About The Book

about the


Today, apparently the number of souls pastors, prophets, prophetesses, Bishops, apostles, evangelists, Reverends etc HAVE KILLED because of wicked acts and commercialization of the gospel are more than the number the devil killed as a result of making themselves demigod that cannot be approached without SEED AT HAND. O Lord God, help Your Church!

Majority of men and women of God who embraced IMMORALITY (adultery and fornication) OR GREED OR THAT ARE BECLOUDED WITH PRIDE today fell into such after the gifts of the Holy Spirit came into their lives which they could not maintain because the character of Christ was not deeply formed in them, and when they began to see money and associated themselves with other corrupt ‘men and women of God’.

God did not do any wrong for giving us His gifts or grace, therefore, why are sons and the daughters of men misusing this against the Maker and against their future? This is the issue the author addressed in this book. It will be a refreshing time for you. Seat back, relax under this prophetic and holy atmosphere to enjoy the Holy Spirit!